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第10章 1.10

拉丁语:Caesarī renūntiātur Helvētiīs esse in animō per agrum Sēquanōrum et Aeduōrum iter in Santonum fīnēs facere, quī nōn longēā Tolōsātium fīnibus absunt, quae cīvitās est in Prōvinciā. Id sī fieret, intellegēbat magnō cum perīculō, locīs patentibus maximēque frūmentariīs fīnitimōs habēret. Ob eās causās eī mūnītiōnī, quam fēcerat, T. Labiēnum lēgātum praefēcit. Ipse in Italiam magnīs itineribus contendit duāsque ibi legiōnēs cōnscrībit, et trīs, quae circum Aquileiam hiemābant, ex hībernīs ēdūcit et, quā proximum iter in ulteriōrem Galliam per Alpīs erat, cum hīs quīnque legiōnibus īre contendit.

英语:It is announced to Caesar that it is in mind for the Helvetians to make a journey through the Sequani and Aeduan fields into the Santonas territory, who are not far from the Tolosates territory, which is a state in Province. If this were to happen, he was understanding that it would be with great danger to Province, that warlike men, enemies of the Roman people, neighboring to wide open and especially grain producing places. Because of these reasons, he places general Titus Labienus in charge of those fortifications, which he had built. He himself hastened by a great journey to Italy and there he enlists two legions, and three more legions which were spending the winter around Aquileia, he led out from the winter quatres, and where the nearest route into the farther Gauls was through the Alps, with these five legions he hastened to go.

中文:凯撒得知了这件事,赫尔维蒂人打算穿越塞夸尼和埃杜安地区进入桑托纳斯(Santonas)领地,该领地距离托洛萨茨(Tolosates)领地不远,托洛塞茨是普罗旺斯的一个地区。如果发生这种情况,他明白,好战的人,罗马人民的敌人,将会邻近广阔的,肥沃的土地,这对普罗旺斯来说将会是巨大的危险。由于这些原因,他任命提图斯·拉比努斯(Titus Labienus)将军负责管理他所建造的这些防御工事。他本人匆忙前往意大利,在那里他招募了两个军团,以及另外三个在阿奎莱亚(Aquileia)周围过冬的军团。他带着这五个军团赶紧出发,穿越阿尔卑斯山前往更远的高卢。







