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第3章 版权声明




1. 电子版本首发和转载:本作品的电子版本的中国首发网站目前为晋江文学城(jjwxc),非经作者授权,禁止在其他网站转载超过五百字的内容。单个账户在单一网站转载不超过五百字内容的,无需额外授权。待全部连载完成后,作者将择机公开完本的电子版权。

2. 短视频制作:单个账户可自由利用本作品的部分内容制作不超过一条长度在三分钟以内短视频,无需额外授权。

3. 其他形式的授权:针对非上述第1条和第2条其他形式的版本或其他任何形式的改编,请联系作者商议授权事宜。

5. 免费授权的非盈利性:针对本版权声明的第1条以及第2条免授权使用者,必须保证内容使用的非盈利性,如有违反,作者有权取消其授权,并收取其相关收入的12%作为版权税。

6. 违规出版发行:对非经上述途径的本作品在中国境内和境外的出版发行,作者保留一切法律许可的诉讼权利。

7. 声明有效期:本声明长期有效,除非作者另行更新。

8. 媒体采访:作者欢迎各界媒体以及自媒体的采访。自媒体需提供1页A4纸左右内容的机构介绍和代表访谈作简介。Bilibili网站的“小约翰可汗”以及“睡前消息”自媒体毋需提供自身介绍,可直接联络洽商。联络邮箱为:fanghe0@gmail.





Copyright Statement

Dear Readers,

Thank you sincerely for your attention and support. This work, 刺。念 (Thorns.Mind), is a continuation of the previous work 青桃时代 (The Green Peaches Age). To protect its copyright, please note the following statement in effect until the serialization is completed:

Electronic Version and Reposting:

1. The electronic version of this work is currently published first on Jinjiang Literature City (jjwxc). Unauthorized reposting of more than 500 characters on other websites is prohibited. Reposting up to 500 characters per account on a single website does not require additional authorization. After the entire serialization is completed, the full electronic copyright will be released at the author’s discretion.

2. Short Video Production:

Individual users are permitted to create short videos under three minutes in length using portions of this work without additional authorization.

3. Print Publication Authorization:

Publishing houses interested in print publication rights are welcome to contact the author (fanghe0@gmail) for licensing discussions.

4. Other Forms of Authorization:

For forms of usage not covered by items 1, 2, and 3, such as translations into other languages, videos over three minutes, audiobooks, or any other adaptations, please contact the author (fanghe0@gmail) to discuss licensing.

5. Non-Profit Use Requirement for Free Authorization:

For uses covered under items 1 and 2 without requiring authorization, the content usage must be non-profit. Any violations grant the author the right to revoke authorization and collect 12% of related income as a copyright fee.

6.Unauthorized Publishing:

For unauthorized publishing and distribution of this work within or outside China, the author reserves all legally permitted rights to take legal action.

7. Statement Validity:

This statement is valid indefinitely unless updated by the author.

8. Media Interviews:

The author welcomes interviews from media and independent platforms. Independent media outlets are requested to provide a one-page A4 introduction to their platform along with a summary of a representative interview. Bilibili creators “小约翰可汗” and “睡前消息” may directly contact the author without the need for such an introduction. Contact email: fanghe0@gmail.

Author: Frank Truce

November 5, 2024

Author Biography: Frank Truce, born in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, China, holds a degree of doctor of philosophy (in biology). He is currently an associate professor of biology at a university in the United States and a writer.







