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第3章 版权声明页




1. 免费开放中文文字形式电子版权授权:在保证本作品内容的完整性(封面、作品名与作者以及最近修改时间页、致敬、所有版权声明页、故事提要、前言、引子、十三章正文、后记、致谢、作者的话/我为什么要写作)的前提下,免费开放本作品的中文电子版的文字内容授权。此类授权仅限于以中文文字的形式呈现的电子书以及以网页形式呈现的电子内容,以及公众号或其他自媒体转发上述内容的链接。如无审核问题等特别情况,作者的首发网站目前为晋江文学城(jjwxc)。

2. 有条件开放十五分钟时间以内的短视频形式的授权。制作十五分钟以内短视频的本作品爱好者在保证在短视频的前一分钟内以文字或者图片形式展示以包含以下括号内的内容(封面、作品名与作者以及最近修改时间页、致敬、所有版权声明页、故事提要、前言),且每项内容不短于一秒的前提下,可以视频形式自由分享任何正文内的文字内容。

3. 有条件开放十五分钟时间以内的中国语音频形式的授权。制作十五分钟以内音频、广播剧、有声书等音频的本作品爱好者,在以正常语速提供关于以下括号内的内容(作品名与作者以及最近修改时间页、致敬、本版权声明第三条、故事提要、前言)的前提下,可以自由分享正文内的文字内容。

4. 欢迎有诚意的出版机构联络作者(fanghe0@gmail)洽商纸质版授权事宜。

5. 其他形式的授权:针对非上述第1条、第2条、第3条以及第4条的其他形式的版本,包括但不限于:其他语种的文字或者视频形式的翻译、长于十五分钟的视频或有声读物、其他任何形式的改编,请联系作者(fanghe0@gmail),商议授权事宜。

6. 免费授权的非盈利性:针对本版权声明的第1条、第2条以及第3条免费授权使用者,必须保证内容使用的非盈利性,如有违反,作者有权取消其授权并追讨其相关收入的12%作为版权税。

7. 违规出版发行:对非经上述途径的本作品在中国境内和境外的出版发行,作者保留一切法律许可的诉讼权利。

8. 此版权声明有效期为长期,除非作者发布更新后的声明。

9. 作者愿意接受各界媒体以及自媒体的访谈邀请,前提是该自媒体提供1页A4纸左右内容的关于自身的介绍和过去最有影响力的访谈代表作简介。请联络上述email地址,洽商采访事宜。Bilibili网站的up主“小约翰可汗”以及“睡前消息”自媒体毋需提供自身介绍,可直接联络洽商。





Copyright Statement

Dear readers,

Thank you very much for your attention and interest in this work, "The Green Peach Age." In order to allow more readers in the information age to share the stories in this autobiographical fiction, the author has decided to take the following measures:

1. Free open license for the English textual electronic version: With the guarantee of the integrity and accuracy of the contents of this work (including the cover, title, author, and recent modification date page, tribute, all copyright declaration pages, synopsis, preface, all thirteen chapters, afterword, acknowledgements, author’s notes/why I write), the author grants free, open authorization for the textual content of the English electronic version of this work. This authorization is limited to electronic books presented in English textual form, electronic content in English textual form presented on web pages, and links to the aforementioned content forwarded on public accounts of self-media. The author will first publish the contents of this book on Amazon KDP. Those who want to support the author could place an order at Amazon for an electric copy or a print copy of this book.

2. Conditional authorization for short video content within fifteen minutes: Enthusiasts creating short videos within fifteen minutes are allowed to freely share any textual content from the body of the work in video format, provided that the first minute of the short video clearly includes the following content (the cover, title, author, and recent modification date page, tribute, all copyright declaration pages, synopsis, and preface), and each item of contents is shown for no less than one second.

3. Conditional authorization is granted for the release of English audio forms within fifteen minutes. Enthusiasts creating audio content such as productions under fifteen minutes, radio dramas, audio books, etc., are free to share the textual content from the main body, provided they adhere to the following conditions: normal speed delivery of the following content (title and author, recent modification date, tribute, third section of the copyright statement, story synopsis, and preface).

4. Authorization for Other Formats: For versions that do not fall under the aforementioned first, second, and third points, including but not limited to print versions, audiobooks longer than fifteen minutes, translations to other languages, or any other adaptations, please contact the author (fanghe0@gmail) to discuss authorization matters.

5. Non-profit use of the free authorization: users benefiting from the free authorization under the first, second, and third sections of this copyright statement must ensure the usage is non-profit. In the event of any violation, the author reserves the right to revoke the authorization and claim 12% of the related income as royalty from such usage.

6. Unauthorized Publishing: For publishing and distribution without permission through the aforementioned channels, the author reserves all legal rights to litigation.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

7. The validity period of this copyright statement is long-term, unless the author releases an updated statement.

Author: Frank Truce

March 20th, 2024







