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第43章 关于仇恨的两种理论

Two Theories about Hatred


There are two theories perceiving hatred, one illustrates the condition of expressing objective hate to change others’ bad behaviors and another asserts that hatred has a subjective and unavoidable nature.


The first opinion is that humans possess some unlikeable characteristics which objectively incur hatred. Donald Winnicott, an influential pediatrician and psychoanalyst, terms “objective counter-transference” applying in psychological and psychotic therapy, which means analysts should express their natural feeling of love and hate to patients based on “objective observation” of the patient’s behaviors. In the preface of his article, this theory is said to be widely accepted now (Winnicott, 1994).


It can be inferred that hate can only be objective if it meets two criteria: First, a clinician does not hate a patient himself. If the clinician hates the patient, he would hate the things the patient does, which is not “objective observation”. In this case, his hatred is toward the person but not his behaviors. Second, every rational person deems that the patient’s deed is hateful. If one thinks it is hateful, but another does not, the hate is not objective. The first criterion is achievable, but, in reality, when a therapist seeing a mentally ill patient doing many abnormal things, it is hard to have no negative feeling towards the patient. The second criterion is also not always applicable. For example, if a patient shouts at the therapist, everyone would deem it hateful. But if a patient does not obey the therapist’s instructions, some would hate this, and some would not. Therefore, sometimes it is arbitrary to tell a patient that his behavior is hateful. In addition, the analyst may not observe throughout and be ignorant of factors contributing to the patient’s bad behaviors which could reduce his hatred. Due to these reasons, though Winnicott’s suggestion for analysts to genuinely convey their emotions to patients may lead to better communication and cooperation, it should be cautiously used to avoid bias, irrationality, and hurt.


Winnicott’s theory renders patients accountable for analysts’ emotions, which may be problematic. Winnicott does not tell clinicians to adjust their attitudes but expects patients to change their behaviors to be lovable. For example, he had a patient who was disgusted for years but, due to therapy, became lovable one day. The patient’s disfavor was considered to be a “symptom” and his transformation to be lovable is “a tremendous advance in his adjustment to reality” (Winnicott, 1994). In this theory, a patient is judged by whether being liked by the analyst. Though others’ reactions are an important reference, but it is oversimplified that not being like means one does wrong. This may let patients care for physicians’ feelings too much and give physicians too much authority.


Winnicott implies that it is not a duty to love someone, while it’s an individual’s responsibility to behave well in order to be lovable, and who is hated should be blamed for his bad behaviors. If a patient does not accept hate, it is because she cannot recognize that hate is generated by the very things she does (Winnicott, 1994). In this case, analysts do not initiatively love patients and patients need to seek for her love, which would make patients feel anxious and unsafe.


Winnicott argues that if a clinician does not express her hate, a patient won’t trust her love to be authentic (Winnicott, 1994). However, we can evaluate the genuineness of an emotion by simply observing it. Study finds that when culturally diverse people were shown basic facial expressions, they did fairly well at recognizing them (Matsumoto & Ekman, 1989). Winnicott doesn’t believe that a clinician can only love a patient without hate, because the patient is mentally abnormal. However, another famous psychoanalyst, Melanie Klein, states that one is normally targeted for coexisting love and hate (Demir).


Melanie Klein proposes a theory emphasizing the dualism and subjectivity of love and hate: humans naturally hold two types of conflicting instincts, which are named by Freud -- Eros, representing for life, love, harmony, pleasure and other positive pursuits, and Thanatos, representing for death, hate, destruction, anxiety, and other negative impulses. Hate is rooted in fear of death. Love and hate are innate subjective feelings (what “neonate brings into the world”). Love and hate perpetually interplay in people’s minds (Demir).


Love and hate are dual on an object which should be managed by the actor. When a mother satisfies her infant, she is loved by the infant. When she does not, she is hated. Unlike Winnicott, Klein doesn’t urge people who are targeted to seek to be loved and avoided being hated but requires people who incur the emotions to tolerate the coexistence of love and hate and contains hate, with love prevails (Demir). Winnicott notes that parents should not conceal their hatred in order to let their infant to learn how to deal with hate, which also works in clinician – patient relationship (Winnicott, 1994). While Klein doesn’t propose that one can learn to deal with hate by being hate. In the clinical setting, Klein focuses on the emotions generated by the patient (Berzoff, Flanagan, and Hertz, 2016) rather than let the patient receive the analyst’s emotions as a therapy method. I argue that Klein’s approach is better, because therapy method may influence a patient’s personality, since therapy is to rebuild a person’s spirit. Though expressing emotions to patient may help the therapy work better, use it as a therapy method may make the patient passive in relationships, while Klein’s way encourages patient to be responsible for his or her own emotions and to consider both sides when an emotion appear (not to take all of others’ reactions for own responsibility).


Klein would disagree of using “objective hate” as an evaluation standard, since she states that hate is subjective feeling which may be projected into external objects. Anxiety arises from the death instinct which is an unconscious fear of annihilation, and in order to release the anxiety, ego expels painful and dangerous feelings which are targeted to the environment. Projection, a defend mechanism, is the deflection of the death instinct (Demir). It distorts how an individual perceive others. It is common sense that our hate towards others may not be reasonable, which could warn Winnicott and who accept his theory of being cautious when taking the position as a judger regarding their emotions.


Winnicott would agree with Klein that hate is very natural and should be normalized. He lists 18 ways (which may not be very applicable) why a mother can naturally hate her baby (Winnicott, 1994). But Winnicott doesn’t go further to illustrate that since a baby can be hated for so many reasons, being hated should also be nominalized and not be treated as a “symptom”.


Winnicott and Klein both recognize hatred and other negative emotions to have benefits. Winnicott writes, if a patient is incapable of feeling depression, he cannot deeply experience guilt (Winnicott, 1994), which means that he does not feel very bad of his wrongdoing and thus may not have a strong sense of morality. Klein states that hate is arouse by unpleasant events and would impel people to attack and destroy the cause of frustration (Demir), so I infer that people protect themselves from threat due to hatred.


Work Cited List

Berzoff, J.; Flanagan, L., M.; Hertz, P (2016). Inside out and outside in: psychodynamic clinical

theory and psychopathology in contemporary multicultural contexts. Fourth edition.

Demir, A. M. (n. d.) "The Life and Death Instincts in Kleinian Object Relations Theory".

Retrieved from



Matsumoto, D., & Ekman, P. (1989). American-Japanese cultural differences in judgments of

facial expressions of emotion. Motivation and Emotion, 13, 143–157.

Winnicott, D. (1994). “Hate in the Counter-transference”. The Journal of Psychotherapy

Practice and Research. Retrieved from








