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第12章 1.27

拉丁语:Helvētiī, omnium rērum inopiā adductī, lēgātōs dē dēditiōne ad eum mīsērunt. Quī cum eum in itinere convēnissent sēque ad pedēs eius prōiēcissent flentēsque pācem petīssent, eōs in eō locō, quō tum erant, suum adventum exspectāre iussit. Eō postquam Caesar pervēnit, obsidēs, arma, servōs, quī ad eōs perfūgerant, poposci.

Dum ea conquīruntur et cōnferuntur, nocte intermissā, circiter homnium mīlia VI eius pāgī, quī Verbigenus appellātur, sīve timōre perterritī, sīve spē salūtis inductī, prīmā nocte ē castrīs Helvētiōrum ēgressī ad Rhēnum fīnēsque Germānōrum contendērunt.

英语:The Helvetians, having been influenced by the lack of all things, had sent envoys about surrender to him. When they had met him on the route and had thrown themselves to his foot and weeping had sought peace, he ordered them to await his arrival in that place where they were then. After Caesar arrived there, he demanded hostages, weapons, slaves, who had fled to them.

When these things are sought out and brought together, night having been interrupted, around six thousand people of this district, which is called Verbigenus, either frightened by fear, or influenced by the hope of safety, having gone out from the camp of Helvetians at first night, hastened towards to the Rhine and the territory of Germans.









