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第13章 1.28

拉丁语:Quod ubi Caesar resciit, imperāvit hīs, quōrum per fīnīs ierant, ut eōs conquīrent et redūcerent; eōs reductōs in hostium numerō habuit; reliquōs omnēs, obsidibus, armīs, perfugīs trāditiīs, in deditiōnem accēpit. Helvētiōs, Tulingōs, Latobrīgōs in finēs suōs, unde erant profectī, revertī iussit; et quod, omnibus frūgibus āmissīs, domī nihil erat quō famem tolerārent, restituere iussit.

Id eā maximē ratiōne fēcit, quod nōluit eum locum, unde Helvētiī discesserant, vacāre, nē, propter bonitātem agrōrum, Germānī, quī trāns Rhēnum incolunt, ē suīs fīnibus in Helvētiōrum fīnēs trānsīrent et fīnitimī Galliae prōvinciae Allobrogibusque essent. Aeduīs permīsit, ut in fīnibus suīs Boiōs collocārent; quibus illī agrōs dedērunt.

英语:When Caesar found out this, he commanded these people whose territory they had gone through, that they seek them and led them back, having been led back he held them in numbers of enemies; he accepted all the remaining into surrender, hostages, weapons, fugitives having been handed over. He ordered the Helvetians, Tulinigis, Latobrogis to be returned to their territory, whence they had set out; and because all crops having been lost, there was nothing at home by which they endured hunger, he commanded the Allobroges that they make a supply of grain; he ordered themselves to restore those towns and villages, which they had burned.

He did this for the greatest reason, because he didn’t want that place, from where the Helvetians had departed, to be empty, nor, because of the fertility of the fields, Germans, who live across the Rhine go across from their territory into the territory of the Helvetians and lest they be neighboring to the Province of Gaul and Allobroges. He permitted to the Aeduians, that they place the Boii in their territory; to whom they gave those fields, and whom afterwards they are received into equal terms of law and freedom.





在这里也祝大家都可以顺顺利利的!也祝所有人遇到困难时可以做到“veni, vidi , vici”(我来,我见,我征服)



第13章 1.28







