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第2章 1.2

拉丁语:Apud Helvētiōs longē nōbilissimus fuit et dītissimus Orgetorīx. ?s, M. Messālā et Pīsōne cōnsulibus, rēgnī cupiditāte inductus coniūrātionem nōbilitātis fēcit, et cīvītātī persuāsit, ut dē fīnibus suīs cum omnibus cōpiīs exīrent.

Id facilius eīs persuāsit, quod undique locī nātūrā Helvētiī continentur: ūnā ex parte flūmine Rhēnō, lātissimō atque altissimō, quī agrum Helvētium ā Germānīs dīvidit; alterā ex parte monte Iūrā altissimō, quī est inter Sēquanōs et Helvētiōs; tertiā, lacū Lemannō et flūmine Rhodanō, quī Prōvinciam nostrum ab Helvētiīs dīvidit. Hīs rēbus fiēbat ut et minus latē vagārentur et minus facile fīnitimīs bellum inferre possent; quā ex parte hominēs bellandī cupidī magnō dolōre afficiēbantur. Prō multitūdine autem hominum et prō glōriā bellī atque fortitūdinis augustōs sē fīnīs habēre arbitrābantur…

英语:Orgetorix was the noblest and richest among the Hevetians by far. When Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso were consuls, he, having been influenced by a desire for rule, made a conspiracy of nobility, and persuaded the state that they go out from their territory with all their forces.

He persuaded them more easily, because the Helvetians are held in by the nature of the place on all sides; from one direction by the Rhine river, very wide and very deep, which divided the Helvitian field from the Germani; from another direction by the very high Iura Mountains which is between the Sequani and the Helvetians; from the third direction, by Lake Lemannus which divides our province from the Helvetians. It happened because of these things that they were wandering less wide and they were able to bring war upon their neighbors less easily; for which reason people desirous of waging war were affected by great suffering. Moreover, considering the multitude of people and considering the glory of war and of bravery, they were thinking that they had a narrow territory.

中文:奥尔格托里克斯(Orgetorix)是赫尔维蒂人(Heveltians)中最高贵富有的人。马库斯·梅萨拉(Marcus Messala)和马库斯·皮索(Marcus Piso)担任执政官时,受统治**的影响,制造了贵族的阴谋,说服全部落率领全部军队离开他们的领土。








