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第3章 1.3

拉丁语:Hīs rēbus adductī et auctōritāte Orgetorīgis permōtī cōnstituērunt comparāre ea quae ad profīcīscendum pertinērent, iūmentōrum et carrōrum quam maximum numerum ceomere, sēmentēs quam maximās facere, ut in itinere cōpia frūmentī suppeteret, cum proximīs cīvitātibus pācem et amīcitiam cōnfīrāmre. Ad eās rēs cōnficiendās biennium sibi satis esse exīstimāvērunt.

Ad eās cōnficiendās Orgetorīx dēligitur. ?s sibi lēgātiōnem ad cīvitātēs suscipit. In eō itinere persuādet Casticō (Catamantāloedis fīliō) Sēquanō ut rēgnum in cīvitāte suā occupāret, quod pater ante habuerat; itemque persuādet Dumnorīgī Aeduō, frātrī Dīviciāvī, quī eō tempore prīncipātum in cīvitāte obtinēbat ac maximē plēbī acceptus erat, ut idem cōnārētur, eīque fīliam suam in mātrimōnium dat. ?llīs cōnfirmat sē suae cīvitātis imperium obtenūrum. Hāc orātiōne adductī, inter sē fidem et iūs iūrandum dant, et rēgnō occupātō per trīs potentissimōs ac fīrmissimōs populōs sēsē tōtīus Galliae imperium obtinēre posse spērant.

英语:Having been influenced by these things and having been moved by the authority of Orgetorix, they decided to prepare those things which would pertain to set out, to buy the greatest possible number of beast of burden and carts, to make as great as possible seedings, so that the supply of grains is enough on the journey, to strengthen peace and friendship with the nearest state. In order to complete these things, they thought that the period of two years is enough for them; into the third year, they confirmed their departure by law.

In order to complete these things, Orgetorix is chosen. He himself undertakes the delegation to neighboring states. On this journey, he persuades Casticas (son of Catamantaloedes) that he should seize rule in his state, which his father had had before; and likewise he persuades Dumorix Aeduan, brother of Diviciacus, who obtained leadership in state at that time and he had been accepted by the greatest number of common people, that he try the same, and he gives his daughter in marriage to him. He confirms to them that he will obtain command of his state and by his forces and his army he will win over the kingdom for them. Having been influenced by this speech, they give trust and oath among themselves, and the rule having been seized through three most powerful and strongest people, they hope that they are able to obtain the command of all of Gaul by themselves.


为了完成这些事情,他们选择了奥尔格托里克斯。他亲自率团前往邻国。在这次旅程中,他说服卡斯蒂卡斯(Casticus)(卡塔马塔洛埃德斯(Catamantaloedes)的儿子),他应该夺取他父亲以前曾拥有的国家的统治权。同样,他说服迪维西亚库斯(Diviciacus)的兄弟杜莫里克斯·埃杜安(Dumorix Aeduan)获得领导权,并得到了大多数普通民众的认可,并将女儿嫁给了迪维西亚库斯。他向他们确认,他将获得国家的指挥权,并通过他的军队和军队为他们赢得王国。受到这番言论的影响,他们彼此之间相互信任和发誓,统治权已经由三个最有权势、最强的人夺取,他们希望自己能够获得整个高卢的指挥权。







