拉丁语:Erant omnīnō itinera duo, quibus domō exīre possent: ūnam per Sēquanōs, angustum et difficile, inter montem Iūram et flūmen Rhodanum, quā vix singulī carrī dūcerentur; mōns autem altissimus impendēbat, ut facile perpaucī eōs prohibēre possent; alterum per Prōvinciam nostram, multō facilius atque expedītius, proptereā quod inter fīnēs Helvētiōrum et Allobrogum, quī nūper pācātī erant, Rhodanus fluit, isque nōn nūllīs locīs vadō trānsītur.
Extrēmum oppidum Allobrogum proximumque Helvētiōrum fīnibus est Genāva. Ex eō oppidō pōns ad Helvētiōs pertinet. Allobrogibus sēsē vel persuāsūrōs exīstimābant, vel vī coāctūrōs, ut per suōs fīnēs eōs īre paterentur.
Omnibus rēbus ad profectiōnem comparātīs diem dīcunt, quā diē ad ripam Rhodanī omnēs conveniant.
英语:Altogether there were two routes by which they were able to go out from home: one of which through the Sequanos, narrow and difficult, between the Iura mountain and Rhone river, where carts would be led scarcely one at a time; moreover, a very high mountain was hanging over, so very few would be able to prevent them easily; the other of which through our Province, and easily much convenient, because the Rhodanus flows between the territory of the Helvetians and the territory of the Allobroges, who had recently been subdued, and it is crossed in no place by a ford.
The farthest town of the Allobroges and the nearest to the territory of the Helvetians is Geneva. From this town a bridge extends to the Helvetians. They were thinking that they would either persuade the Allobroges, or they would compel them by force, that they would allow them to go through their territory.
All these things having been completed for departure, they set a day, on which day they all would come together at the river bank of the Rhone.