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第7章 1.7

拉丁语:Caesarī eum id nūntiātum esset, eōs per Prōvinciam nostram iter facere cōnārī, mātūrat ab urbe proficīscī et, quam maximīs potest itineribus, in Galliam ulteriōrem contendit et ad Genāvam pervenit. Prōvinciae tōtī quam maximum numerum potest mīlitum numerum imperat (erat omnīnō in Galliā ulteriōre legiōūna); pontem, quī erat ad Genāvam, iubet rescindī.

Ubi dē eius adventū Helvētiī certiōrēs factī sunt, lēgātōs ad eum mittunt nōbilissimōs cīvitātis, quī dīcerent sibi esse in animō sine ūllō maleficiō iter per Prōvinciam facere, proptereā quod nūllum aliud iter habērent; sē rogāre ut sibi licēret eius voluntāte id facere. Caesar, quod memoriā tenēbat L. Cassium cōnsulem occīsum exercitumque eius ab Heletiīs pulsum et sub iugum missum, concēdendum nōn putābat; neque exīstimābat hominēs inimīcō animō, datā facultāte per Procinciam itineris faciendī, ab iniūriā et maleficiō temperāt?rōs. Tamen, ut spatium intercēdere posset, dum mīlitēs, quōs imperāverat, convenīrent, lēgātīs respondit, sē diem ad dēliberandum sūmptūrum.

英语:When it had been announced to Caesar that they were trying to make a journey through our Province, he hastens to depart the city, and, on the greatest possible marches he hastens to the farther Gaul and arrives at Geneva. He gives a command to the whole of Province for the greatest possible number of soldiers (there was altogether one legion in the farther Gaul); He orders the bridge, which was to Geneva, to be cut down.

When the Helvetians are informed about his arrival, they send the most noble envoys of the state to him, who would say that was in mind for them without any wrongdoing, to make a journey through Province, because they had no other route; they were asking that it may be permitted to them to do this with his good will. Caesar, because he was holding in memory the consul Lucius Cassius being killed and his army was driven out by the Helvetians, and was sent under the yoke, he was thinking that it must not be allowed; nor was he thinking that men by unfriendly spirit, when an opportunity had been given for a journey to be made through Province, they will be refrained by injustice and wrongdoing. Therefore, he might be able to intervene for a period of time, until soldiers whom he had commanded would come together, he responded to the envoys that he would take a day in order to consider.




2. “send under the yoke"-送到轭下:这是古罗马时期对于输掉战争的一方的羞辱方式。输掉的一方将要从一个用长矛搭建的轭下走过,像牲畜一样臣服



第7章 1.7







