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第8章 1.8

拉丁语:Intereā eā legiōne, quam sēcum habēbat, mīlitibusque, quī ex Prōvinciā convēnerant, ā lacū Lemannō, quī in flūmen Rhodanum īnfluit, ad montem Iuram, quī fīnīs Sēquanōrum ab Helvētiīs dīvidit–mīlia passuum xix–mūrum in altitūdinem pedum sēdecim fossamque perdūcit. Eō opere perfecto, praesidia dispōnsit, castella commūnit, ut Helvetiōs trānsīre cōnantīs prohibēre possit.

Ubi ea diēs, quam cōnstituerat cum lēgātīs, vēnit, et lēgātī ad eum revertērunt, negat sē mōre et exemplō populī Rōmānī posse iter ūllī per Prōvinciam dare; et, sī vim facere cōnentur, sē eōs prohibitūrum ostendit. Helvetiī, eā spē dēiectī, aliī nāvibus iūnctīs ratibusque complūribus factīs, nōn numquam interdiū, saepius noctū, perrumpere cōnantur.

Sed operis mūnitiōne et mīlitum concursū et tēlīs repulsī, hōc conātū dēstitērunt.

英语:Meanwhile with that legion, which he has with him, and with soldiers, who had come together from Province, from Lake Lemannus, which flows into the Rhone river, to Iura Mountains, which divides the territory of the Sequannos from the Helvetians–19 miles–he constructs a wall to a height of 16 feet and a ditch. This work having been completed, he arranges guard stations, fortifies the fortress, so he is able to prevent the Helvetians trying to go across.

When the day came, which had been decided with the envoys, and the envoys returned to him, he denies by their custom and example of the Roman people that he is able to give to anyone the route through Province; and, if they should try to use force, he shows he will prevent them. Helvetians, having been ceased down from this hope, some tried to cross by ship having been joined and others by several rafts having been made; by ford of the Rhone, which was the least deep of the river, not never during the day, more often at night, they will try to break through. But by the fortification of the work and running soldiers together and having been driven back by weapons, they ceased this attempt.

中文:与此同时,他所率领的军团,从日内瓦湖(流入罗纳河)到汝拉山脉(将塞宽诺人的领土与赫尔维蒂人的领土分隔开来)—共19英里--他建造了一堵 16 英尺高的墙和一条沟渠。这项工作完成后,他安排了警卫站,加固了要塞,这样他就能够阻止赫尔维蒂人试图穿越。








